Keeping the motivation

Laima Duhovnaja
2 min readMay 5, 2021

You know the feeling when you start something new, interesting and you feel very energised, motivated and excited about it? But then after a while when the first difficulties or failures come the motivation and interest just disappear. But why can’t we keep it this wonderful feeling of excitement and motivation even during hard times while reaching our end-goal?

This year was a very special year for me — I decided to change my career path and become a Frontend web developer. I am currently at the end of my bootcamp and during it I was feeling motivated everyday. That helped me (and still does) a lot throughout my journey. How did I do that? No magic here, just a small system I am trying to hold on to everyday.

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Before starting learning programming I have left all the “time waisting” groups on social media and followed the people / groups / pages / podcasts / blogs that are IT related and would provide me with useful information and keep me updated with the latest news.

I have started communicating with people from the area of my new interest. I have already met many developers, listened to their stories / recommendations. Believe me, after a short chat with a person who has already reached the goal you are aiming for and listening to their success / fail stories, interesting thoughts — you feel very motivated.

RECOMMENDATION: Stop wasting time on not important things. Before doing something ask yourself “Would that help me to reach my end-goal? (or at least make me happy?)”. NO? Then don’t waist your energy doing that!

Habits, physical activity are important part of the system. A time when you focus on yourself. And of course — create yourself new challenges! Wake up one hour earlier that usually, try running 5 km (that’s what I have done) etc. New challenges make our daily routine more interesting. Reading blogs, listening to podcasts while going for a walk during lunch time — not much time consuming, but provides you will other people stories, ideas, recommendations and gives you some food for thought.

Everyone is unique and I am sharing the “system” that helps me in my everyday routine and reaching my end-goal. Please remember, you will never be energised and motivated if you forget about yourself, if you won’t be healthy, if you will be waisting your time for something not important and not interesting. And another thing to mention — motivation comes when you are in an action, so don’t postpone :)

